Chris Stevens
I don't think so. They don't give square wave on inverters because they can't produce a transformer type sinius wave. I have used transformer welders and yes some of them are lovely to weld with. Inverters with there adjustable freq and advanced square waves make life easier on thin gaged and fillets than fixed Hz sinius waved transformers. Yes it's done regularly on transformers and they are very capable smooth machines. I could join 2 coke cans a lot easier on an inverter than a transformer
I think you hit the nail on the head there Richard.................certainly inverters are superior for certain types of welding, and the adjustability is a very useful feature. Not sure if they are ever going to rival the butter smoothness of a good transformer or the long term reliability, ease and low cost of carrying out any repairs needed though? My ancient L-Tec has only needed a set of HF points, which are exactly the same as Miller and only cost £10!