just wondering when converting from fluorescents strips to LED if there is an issue with strobing when operating machine tools.
You can paint over the dung.
Excuses don't wash here
13 hp powerwasher with a rotary nozzle would probable do the trick.
Ah well.....We'll just have to monitor you postings to see if there is any effects from MVOC's.Too late now, too many tools, cupboards & gear to move plus the electric consumer unit is in the brown cupboard at the rh end of the bench!
I've got one of these above my lathe & there's no strobing. You normally only get strobing with an ac driven light, led's are generally dc. Though I have an led head torch that caused strobing on machine tools & it's dc battery powered!
It's caused by Pulse Width Modulation chopping up the DC. to control the brightness.
"PWM is a very common method of dimming LED lights that works by very rapidly turning them on and off (pulsing) for periods that visually appear as a steady dimmed light. We adjust the brightness level by adjusting the percentage of the time the lights are on (100%) to the time they are off (0%)."
You learn something new every day!
The battens run at full chat so there will be no PWM but the head torch is dimmable so it will have PWM applied.
Maxwell said:
And there was light.
Maxwell said:
And there was light.