I sprayed some Dexion shelving with oil-based Aldidly grey made from white and doped with a gob of black, thinned with 10% (perhaps more) white spirit and it sprayed fine with an Lidl HVLP gun. When I say 'fine' I mean perfectly acceptable forI used this Baufix anti-rust paint from aldi or lidl, can't remember which, and it seems to be good stuff. Tough and easy to apply. But can it be sprayed ? It only says on the can brush or roller, doesn't mention spray at all. Anyone done it ?
I bought some cheap universal thinners from ebay about 6 months ago - it was acetone and was total junk... Used it to light the workshop heater in the endSean, it's time for me to eat a serving of humble pie!
I called in to Lidl tonight and checked the current stock of thinners, and the primary ingredient is indeed acetone as you said. The swines have obviously changed the formulation or they have switched to an alternative manufacturer!