It does sound like a faulty start capacitor.
I bought a pair of capacitors from Capacitor shop
Worth a try
I bought a pair of capacitors from Capacitor shop
Worth a try
That's the one am probably going to buy, I had alot of help from bourbon, he also pointed out you get 15% off when downloading the app. Anyone know roughly the oil capacity of the pump? No easy to see the level through the glass. Going to change the oil at the same time. CheersIf it’s a 3hp motor I had to buy a new one for one of my compressors, the cheapest I could find at the time was from machine mart, but they’ve gone up in price.
Clarke 3HP Single Phase 2-Pole Motor (230V) - Machine Mart
Maybe wait for one of their vat free sales which seem to come up often, and as mentioned check the shaft size.
Worth fixing even at that price if you know the pump is good.