Haha yeah, I think as you get a bit older you probably realise messing with molten metals and no safety gear was probably not the wisest idea !years ago when I needed a small amount of lead I melted it down in a clean baked beans tin on a camping stove
nice bit of beer money thereI use an old wok over a petrol stove. A few years back we built a mobile x-ray cabin, lining an ISO shipping container with 6mm lead slabs that were cast for the purpose.
We trimmed them to size using a table saw (the flying chips were bloody painful!) and at first the guys were sweeping the floor and binning the chips. I put a stop to that (on environmental grouds, obviously ) and collected the chips at the end of every day.
130Kg of lead slivers later the local scrap merchant was my best mate
That was what I was trying to ask, would the soup can withstand the molten brass and would I run into any problems with the chrome coating?
Haha yeah, I think as you get a bit older you probably realise messing with molten metals and no safety gear was probably not the wisest idea !