Tickle his paw pads, that will shift him. Albert Schweitzer was left handed, his cat would sometimes curl up on his left arm while he was writing so he gamely struggled on, writing with his right hand.Definitely lost me chair now ..........
So, do I,
A. Spend all evening sitting on a wooden dining room chair ?
B. Sit on the floor all evening next to the woodburner ?
C. Turf him off ?
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That's exactly what my wife said on first seeing herHopefully Kirsty will grow into those ears !
That's a real menacing look too. She probably hasn't forgotten about the bits left over yet.Bowes says you dare get my engine dirty !
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Bowes Museum and Barras Hall wifey informs me.
Barras is the Senior Station Cat,Fireman, signalman, station master?
I'm assuming in the role of vermin control and love the attention from customers. Are they strays that just hang about the station or do they live nearby?