Unfortunately, that's what a lot of shops still operate like - "you're here now, we can charge what we like as you have no choice".
Then they complain about the internet taking their business away...
I don't mind a bit of a price premium for good service and knowledge, but 37quid for a chain is extracting the urine.
Unfortunately, that's what a lot of shops still operate like - "you're here now, we can charge what we like as you have no choice".
Then they complain about the internet taking their business away...
I don't mind a bit of a price premium for good service and knowledge, but 37quid for a chain is extracting the urine.
Well I don't know if they will be able to help you but I do like the chance to recommend a dealer when they provide exceptional customer service.
These guys are great: https://gaywaysltd.stihl-dealer.co.uk/en-gb/
Not only knowledgeable but also helpful and incredibly good on price. Worth giving them a call either way.