So I've been digging today and it was going alright until we hit chalk. I'm using a pickaxe for this and its slow going. In the deepest bit I've dug around a foot, maybe a bit more. All this has filled up 3 bulk bags and I'm maybe a quarter of the way there (on this side!), not to mention there's concrete that needs to be dealt with as well...
So I'm in a bit of a dilemma;
Hire a kango and fill the garden with bulk bags full of soil and rock (this will he very difficult as the bags will get further and further away).
Or, hire a kango, a mini digger and a skip and have it done in a day. The only downside to this is the cost involved.
I'm still unsure of whether to rebuild the wall, keeping the cavity between the garden and garage, and then fill it with gravel, or just dig it out even further and pave it.
I need the cheapest solution as I don't fancy wasting money when I'll only be digging everything up again in a couple of years time!
you rtrench is about the width of a motorway too. Dig half as wide = half the work.
I've tried digging down with a pickaxe, well its more like a pickaxe crossed with a hoe, with a wide end rather than a point. I