Nothing as satisfying as sorting through a box of mystery electrodes.
I acquired a rusty BOC tin full a couple of weeks ago, only one satinex though, which is one I've always wanted to try.
Isn't 7013 the same as 6013 but a bit stronger core wire ?
Horrible stuff to stick weld we gave up in the end trying to so it and stuck with the TIG. Shame because there is some site work where an aluminium walkway can't be moved that needs repairing but you can't TIG outside
i had never heard of stick welding ali till i joined the forum, i assume that it's not a popular method due to it being a messy process as kent says, would love to see it done though.
i used to get rods from work as and when required, i am now a full time carer for my wife so tend to use internet shopping for any i need.
on my restbite days i volunteer at the local raiway restoration group and have been enjoying getting back into stick welding as its the only process available via a 200a inverter and an old oxford oil filled plant, took a while to get my eye in again but slowly getting back into the swing of it.