I just made this medium sized folding pocket knife, it took me a while. its a lockback whittler.
the steel is 01 tool steel, the liners and bolsters are stainless, the scales are bone. bolsters are silver soildered,no play in any blades in any position.
please excuse the poor quality photos.
the bushings are aluminum bronze, the shank of the main blade is 6mm, smaller blades are both 2 mm shank, 100mm body length and main blade is 75mm to the bolsters.
That is an amazing job. You must have a lot of patience. Looking at the bushing, so neat, and an overall professional finish. How did you get such a perfect finish on the wood after inserting the rivets ? Presumably you sanded/buffed the full length of the knife?
The rivets are flared into the countersunk holes in the bone and filed and sanded flush with the surface, it's easy to mess up believe me I know , I was making this knife to give to an older knife maker I know in the us but the knife is not up to standard I'm afraid!