Might be worth adding that if you are using MIG in a garage that the shield gas is heavier than air so naturally collects at floor level and will displace normal air so ensure that you have a means of low level extraction is good. Worst thing I ever did many moons ago was to do some MIG welding on the underneath of a car in a garage with the doors closed (probably winter) and very nearly passed-out.
Got something up and running.
Bought a 150mm fan Apparently good for 700m3/h. There was already a big airbrick in the wall so that was easy.
Now need to sort something out with the ducting to concentrate it in the welding area.
I've been looking at the studio mike arms coming out of Cheapanesia, designed like an Anglepoise type of thing. Not sure how much weight they'll take, but the one I have currently holding a mic seems quite sturdy and I think one would hold the end of a flexy tube over the bench and be adjustable as much as needed. https://www.google.ie/search?newwin...j0i7i30k1j0i7i5i30k1j0i8i7i30k1.0.YkJIy3Amnt0