In fact I found the joining bit easier than the 'laying strips' thing. Was only using 3mm box so blew a hole on my first enthusiastic effort.
The 'laying strips' thing is a bit like playing scales on a musical instrument, it seems boring and leading nowhere, but it's a remarkably good technical exercise. You can also get a lot of practice from a small piece of steel without much preparation. If you can lay your hands on something like a 1ft offcut of RSJ, you are well away,
I like welding. Glad I decided to try it.
It is sort of addictive.
Anyway, to more serious things, how did the roast chicken with home made gravy work out? I can see it now; the skin golden brown and slightly crispy; the gravy, positively nectar; the roast potatoes, perfectly done. Then the selection of vegetables; the leeks in a cream sauce, the peas and beans steamed to perfection and served with a knob of butter, the asparagus in its own sauce, and all washed down with a glass of Chardonnay.