might want a couple more capacitors, but the postage from the us would be way to high.
The capacitor I have is a heavy metal can item,can't remember exactly but around 1uf.
I don't know the power ofthe microwave,or transformer, the details off it are in another post.
Just read your pm, don't quite know how I missed it?
I will want one to run a coolant pump, not sure on size,
I am using around 1uf on a 10W motor on the oil pump, the coolant pump is humongous[wouldn't be suprised if it was 1/3hp or so], I might well go for something smaller.
Not looked at the mill for a few weeks, must get it finished.
I have 670 volts dont know how many amps that is. getting heat olny one side getting red only when i move tips back and fourth do u know how many amps are in 670 volts?