Not the dreaded Avocado colour? I hate to admit it but I've got the same but until it fails to fulfil it's function it can stay as I don't spend too much time in the loo and if I do I'm usually reading. Male definition of multitasking. Reading on the Loo.i had a rare bathroom suite in green removed out a house tryed selling it for 4 weeks on ebay you hear on the tv programs they go for xxx loads money
its was in good condition but not even a sniff let alone a sale it went in the skip in the end
Women are supposed to be good at multitasking, until you tell them to sit down and shut up.Male definition of multitasking. Reading on the Loo.
Shabby Artisanal.
If you don’t have a need for it, it’s rubbish, sling it out. Everyone thinks everything is gold dust now.
maybe I should practise what I preach lol
Best indication of value is ebay sold lsitings, but if yours ain't as nice as the ones on there it isnt worth the same.
Ive priced numerous things this way and they tend to go pretty quickly
Thats what made we think pot was / bed panIs it possible that the vertical spout/fountain is, or could have been spring loaded i.e. activated by downward pressure?
I would call that a sluice room sink from a hospital.
Not sure if that’s the right name for it mind