Personally I think you've made some fundamental errors with the gear you have bought and as a result your not going to get great results particularly with thin metal. Wolf welders really don't make good welders when you compare them to Clarkes, ceboras, even the old SIp's
50 amps low end is not great especially for a learner.
Cheap wire as well. Tutt tutt.
Your trying to save money which I get but you should of put your initial thoughts on here before purchasing
Tbh with the combination of min amps, s##t gas less wire and thin metal your flogging a dead horse for nice results.
looks like too high wire speed and not enough current was it going rat tat tat i set one of these things up recently for an old coffin dodger /farmer and done a perfect 8mm fillet vert up on a bit of 6mm plate btw if the torch has a shroud chuck it away and use the bare tip as the wire works like a stick rod shielding wise
a few people get confused by flux cored and the dual shield process which uses flux core wire and a shielding gas normaly 80/20 argon /co2 the process you are using is a deriative of the old lincoln inner shield process (inner death) as known to welders due to the large volumes of white smoky fumes that goes with it
anyway treat it as stick welding drag it for most applications you will get to know if its right by sound too
I you haven't already check out YouTube and look up weldingtipsandtricks 115v flux core welding. Jody is great at showing you what a small welder can do