Dunno if anyone does small spools for MIG (i doubt it?) but if they do even a 0.7kg spool would probably make silver solder look cheap. A small roll (talking 50g / ~7m) of commercially pure Ni200* on the other hand can be picked up for under a tenner. Obviously no use with MIG but then it wouldn't end well with the usual gas mixes used for steels anyway... nickel alloys tend to have a sluggish 'scummy' weldpool with pure argon, any source of O2 would make things worse and likely result in porosity. Overkill for a little repair as pure argon will get it done (ideally a largish gas cup and a little extra pre & post flow time) but FWIW argon + a little hydrogen helps
* http://www.hightempmetals.com/techdata/hitempNi200data.php just google 1mm nickel wire as 'Ni200 wire' will return eleventy million results about vaping
* http://www.hightempmetals.com/techdata/hitempNi200data.php just google 1mm nickel wire as 'Ni200 wire' will return eleventy million results about vaping