Very slow going over the last couple of weeks. Fairly boring work of finding all the bits of rust and cutting out the rot. Dirty and noisy! Have just been cutting out little areas as I find them.
What's everyone's goto for spraying the arches and under the car once stripped back? Really don't want to strip the whole underside at the moment so not sure how I'm going to blend in the areas I restore and spray with the other areas I'm not doing at the moment.
How I find it with lots of rust and bulging.
Part way through stripping.
Getting there!
What's everyone's goto for spraying the arches and under the car once stripped back? Really don't want to strip the whole underside at the moment so not sure how I'm going to blend in the areas I restore and spray with the other areas I'm not doing at the moment.
How I find it with lots of rust and bulging.
Part way through stripping.
Getting there!