I'm about to build a open canoe out of ali 5KVA with a start up might be to much for a 13A IF N and earth are commanded it would cause an imbalance witch will trip the RCD
I did a night class at Myrescough Agri on tig, mig and arc with a view to tigging an ally canoe but couldn't master it, so built it out of ply instead....
You mentioned that there might be breakdown in wire insulation, could this explain the short between 230v and zero. I'm thinking of hauling it's heavy **** to my works and let the site sparky have a ganders, it's just he'll want paying with my homebrew!
i have the plans for building out of ply but will use ali instead but with gas and rods. Might be worth getting the site spark to have a look he should have a insulation resistance tester
Sounds like someone may have put 415v on the 240v winding and cooked it. If you unbolt the top and lift it on to a couple of battens across the tank and re-test, you'll see if it's a contaminated oil or a winding/connection problem. W/A
that's a worry. I'm waiting for someone to help me haul it to the van and then off to work but it's so bloody heavy! I'll do as you suggest tonight and take a reading.
If the wire's fried, what options do I have, I'd hate to have to bin it.