Lewis, I just have to disagree with that info you've shown! My experience (and it is only that), is that when welding thin materials - like 1.5mm, I just can't do it on electrode positive, but can make a fine job with electrode negative, as the latter doesn't blow holes and wets out nicely.
It's the only time I ever use -ve electrode.
i have to agree with snowcat and drains, from experience i always use dcen on thinner box, and dcep on heavier plates and pipes, posotive give penetration
if its like the drawing states, that having the earth positive puts more heat into the workpiece, suppose your earthed 15 feet away from where your welding, how could this be so ?
if its like the drawing states, that having the earth positive puts more heat into the workpiece, suppose your earthed 15 feet away from where your welding, how could this be so ?