Is that what you’re after?
If that’s the case see my first post.
I think you have posted a photo of a Macalloy tension fork, pin and lock cover.
The chances of someone having 4 of them kicking about in the size you want are slim but you never know.
First page of the current brochure below for reference.
If you only want what you've shown you should have said so and saved us the bother of replying.
A more productive way to get what you are after might be to show what you have to work with, or what you have to connect to, or at the very least a rough sketch with a few dimensions.
I don't think a 50+ year old Fordson is still classified or you should expect a dozen folk to do research to try and work out what you need.
Some people like guessing games, I don’t and only play them at Christmas when I'm forced to by the kids.