I dont have Arc eye but you make it sounds scary
Scary? Hmm, difficult. Kinda scary, in that you worry about your eyes and being blind, but then some people are blind already and do okay.
I imagine an arc eye reunion party in a pub. Everyone there has experienced it and have come to celebrate that they've got over it. Some may now be blind (maybe just in one eye) but, hopefully, not in pain any more. Many stories would be told, but most of all, avoiding the grief of the non existent grit in the eye(s) would be talked about (the streaming, bloodshot eye(s) the embarrassing situations that arise thereby, the difficulty doing stuff, the lack of sleep, the sheer hell on earth trying not to rub the f***ker(s) to peace again)
If you'd never experienced arc eye then you wouldn't know what they were on about, and would wonder what the party was about.
Would I say go and stare at the sun for a while and come back and join the party later, with the story of your experience?
No, I'd say make your best efforts never to go there.
But, hell, it's an experience (and try not to go there)