Definitely was a Devon, but I think it was 1970 - must have been a really early one. Drove it to the south of France, but didn't understand the flood warnings on French radio. Did wonder why everyone else had legged it but assumed it was the end of the holiday season.
Looks like you will be dealing with rust more than accident damage. Should get it inside and take the bubbly paint off to see what's underneath.
Ive got one of them, that a international transport company tore off the rear bumper in a amazing fit of mishandling getting it on and off a flatdeck to come over to france to live. Ive got to do some chassis repairs to the rear frame horns as theyve tore out where the bumper bolts, so might be worth checking to see if yours has got any damage there as a result.
Mines a devon mind, still the same late bay base though. I had to replace my rear quarters too from rot, but just wimped out and bought the repair panels from vw heritage in sussex...
Welcome to the forums, it should be a great asset to getting the job done properly...
so i got all my toys, came in just over the 500 budget, but only 20 quid
today i finally got chance to have a proper play.
it was really windy tho, so i had to turn the gas up considerably. played around with speed and power settings till i was happy.
produced a variety of welds, some were too embarrassing to show.... but some i was quite happy with. after couple of hours, as suggested on here i found that with a two handed grip i could control better, the speed and angle.
see what you think, feedback much appreciated.
was surprised by all the rust, these are fresh welds, does that suggest prob with gas or the wind maybe or is it normal?
The rust will be due to the wind blowing all of your shielding gas away. A wind break of some sort might be worth a shot - it would make it warmer too. Could also be the distance between torch and metal is too large.
Looks like it's working though. Which welder did you buy in the end? Worth concentrating on getting a weld pool going and taking it with you as you move the torch. That'll help when you get to doing joints. There's a video on that might be worth a look.
well still not picked up the grinder, but managed to find time for some more welding, pics to follow when it stops raining....
finally got a house sorted, but it aint got a garage... Just couldn't find a house with a garage tall enough to get my van in. got a shed and a sheltered place to work in peace. Been driving the wife mad turning down houses so she's happy now.
the clarkes running sweet now, using 2 mil sheet an box section, power on the 3rd setting out of six an wire speed between five an seven. duty cycle not been an issue, cos keep stopping to look at my handiwork. managed to break a few of my welds, but most hold.
really enjoying this welding lark, and altho im crap at it, i can really see my welds improve. a lot of that is due to malcolm an you guys on here. many thanks. well worth a tenner!!!!!
Oh, an my old mans a total star, just keeps finding me new toys to
play with. yesterday a riveter, and today a hammer drill.
I'm still here, finally got bus over to my new house. only 20 miles towed on the back of the old mans car, but it aged me by 20 years. lovely combination of motorways and tiny narrow lanes. dad says he could see me shaking in his mirrors....
stripped out the interior totally now, can see a lot of nasty nasty rust, but the experts tell me its salvageable. quick estimate on the amount of repair manels and metal puts it at a grand but i think thats low. checking prices now, want my new bits here before i start grinding. all inner and outer arches gone, rear corners, jacking points, some of outriggers gone, front bumper and surrounding panels gone, and much much more.
will take photos this afternoon and post soon. want those before an after pictures for prosperity...
being that this is no longer an introduction, will start a new link in projects next week.