Not meant to be derogatory towards office workers, Ive done and still do a fair bit of office work myself, just a thought about what welding does to the human body
Thank you for the info. Better take care at the beginning than be sorry later.
You on the Stowford Press hitch cos the q is nowhere near the y on my keyboard?
Just had a weekend in Padstow, if you're ever down that way try some 'Cornish Rattler', bloomin' gorgeous!
Back to topic, even a paper mask would be better than nothing but what you will find is like Hitch says, the dustier your work, the hairier your nostrils, it's nature's filtration mechanism .
Still makes you wonder what gets past the hairs and into your lungs though .
Thought you were having a senior moment there Paul.
But this is a subject worth thinking about.