The Burnerd has a large range, can hold any size in the range, dosnt mind if the surface is a bit rubbish and can hold hex stock but its not much good on really short bits. The 5c really needs the stock to match the size but it is great when you only have a couple of mm to grab hold of and you are less likely to mark the work.
The 5c can be used in the modified Crawford collet chuck or fitted to the spindle taper adapter, the spindle taper adapter minimises overhang and should be the best for accuracy. The spindle adapter is used with an lever action draw bar, just need to get around to fitting it.
I've never used ER style collets, if they close from both ends can you hold very short lengths?
They recommend not trying to grip anything shorter than about 2/3 of the collets length as it might affect accuracy or on the extreme end damage or distort the collet if you tighten it too much but I've gripped things far shorter than 2/3 carefully with success. I'd say just a couple of mm is pushing it though with enough care it might be possible.
If you really needed to you could turn a peice of bar down for the remainder of the collet to grip onto.