Thanks, been a plumber since leaving school so bashing steel is a bit like lead dressing not that I get much of that now. All ways had a habit of fixing things myself
or as some one said here ,if its not broken keep fixing it till it is
no one more chuffed and suprised than me
Hi all **Happy New year** hope you all have a good 2015
I have a petrol tank for the Spitfire or a garden sprinkler have not tested yet
A shot on the bike
Nearly came a cropper at the rear I was undecided on how to weld the top to the bottom so probably cut to much of the side flange so on prepping up was short at the rear, managed to pull it but wrinkled the rear just a bit managed to slap most of it out
Looks worse than it is in this shot
This is a shot of the weld around the bottom edge (top of photo), was tricky as I should have left more metal on the tank Also one of the fixing bolts at the bottom of shot
Center fixing hole
Bottom of tank flange It's one of the details goes all round the tank
Well what would I do different
1. Use 1.2mm steel but this was a learning curve to just see if I could bash metal
2. Practice welding a bit more, Apologies to all professional welders out there
3.Make better templates
4 .bigger flange all round
And thanks to all who gave me encouragement
will post when I get some paint on
excellent job on the tank Mac , i've only just found this forum and already its full of stuff i like to do myself ,, i've just got half way through doing an ally tank for my Katana , i welded the joints on the inside as well as the outside , yes its twice as much work but i had corners to grind down ,and its easier to get a good weld on the joints if its already welded from one side . i used the original tank and a large profile gauge to copy the shape ,i've still got to weld the base in but i've leak tested all the joints on the top half and no leaks . i was going to use the same idea you have with the star ,to emboss the Katana logo into my side panels .. ill keep an eye on your progress ....
Hi Kev
looks good why two fillers?oil tank? I sealed the inside of my tank to guard against rust and also leaks, also the steel was .9mm
It's good fun when it works!I'm making a new one with some thinker steel 1.2mm 18swg dont know how this will affect the pressing
Looking forward to seeing your tank
where did you get your profile gauge?