That's correct, if I measure to voltages across the test pins I have LVB TP9- TP11 21.58VDCLVB 24DC
There is a small chip which looks to have got hot and 1 capacitor that the top is very slightly raised, but next to the capacitor is a little transformer type component that is emitting a high pitched squeel/crackle when turned on and stays for a few minutes , I'll get some pictures.Any damaged components visible?
I'm not sure what I'm looking for to be honest?Could get very tricky.
Any controller ic in these area?
Ok thankyou for your help so farNot easy to assist now.
If -25.5v is for driving any Igbt there is a chance that gates getting blown.
Dividing by 1.414 ( square root of 2 ) means your AC supply is 417v. I hope that you have appropriate test equipment, with well-insulated clip-on leads rather than hand-held probes, and PPE ( at least a pair of Class 0 gloves ) ?I have 590vdc across the capacitor