Yes thats what they are for, and you can say your prayers whilst having one of those ground sky ground sky moments
God 2 posts appeared whilst typeing that!
ground sky ground sky ground to old for that level of exersion, a gentle roll is as much excitement as l can take these days,
anyway enough of other buggys and back to mine, l have done a little more, everything with the exception of the exhaust system is now finished, so l think l am going to strip it and paint it then reassemble it and make up the exhaust when its back together
planning ahead l think l will need some sort of body work ? even if its just at the front in an effort to stop the front wheels filling my mouth with mud
l am prepared to have a go and make a couple of fiberglass panels for the front wings/bonnet, dont think l will bother trying to close the rear in, maybe just cycle type rear mudgards
l found a couple of ideas on ebay the first was a set of quad plastics
if we discard the rear bit, and then l was thinking about cutting the front section down the middle and then glassing in a 8" wide strip to make it wide enough to cover my front wheels, might need a bit more tweaking/adjusting to get it to fit nice but once its done l could take a mould off it and make the finished bonnet ?
second idea was a dutton melos front end style
same sort of thing really cut the head light pods off and smooth over, and maybe join the bonnet to the wings so as it a one piece lift off panel that finishes at the dash boad
ideas/comments please