It's been a bit since it was discussed. Electronics gets cheaper for better functionality e.g. digital cameras and maybe the pound's stronger than a while ago.
It looks to me as if the lenses/electronic gubbins are the same in several of those models. The shells are a bit different. You could always contact the seller and ask what the difference is.
Anyway, it's a well-established fact that everyone welds better in a helmet with flames, bare ladies, skulls and lightning bolts, than in a plain black one, so it's no wonder they charge more.........................
It looks to me as if the lenses/electronic gubbins are the same in several of those models. The shells are a bit different. You could always contact the seller and ask what the difference is.
Anyway, it's a well-established fact that everyone welds better in a helmet with flames, bare ladies, skulls and lightning bolts, than in a plain black one, so it's no wonder they charge more.........................