After doing a lot of research in to the IVA test and asking a few questions I was told as a basic rule that if you modify the monocoque then you need an IVA, it is a very grey area though if you take things literally it all depends on how you interpret the manual.
Nice to see something different
lol l need to go to spec savers then, it dosent look grey to me in fact it looks black and white,
"or a second-hand or modified chassis or altered monocoque bodyshell is used an SVA certificate will be required to register the vehicle and a 'QNI' prefix registration number will be allocated."
do you think this car has an altered shell ? ask a hundred people if they think one car with another transmission tunnel is unalterd and what do you think the answer will be ? as soon as you cut a body shell you are heading for an iva unless you are carrying out a like for like repair
sounds like wishfull thinking to me
anyway dont let it put you off one little bit leave them checking the position of your lights and the efficency of your demister they probally wont notice your transmission tunel
cool project indeed