Hmmm, something wrong there surely - what have you got that would throw your power factor that far off?Seeing as it persisted it down all day around here, I've got the current monitor pi up and running, just the one sensor at the moment.
Here's one line of serial output, only the figures in bold mean anything until I get the other two sensors up and running. This sensor is around the main incomer from the meter.
11 4.34 30.75 0.13 234.76 0.130 5.78 17.32 0.07 235.03 0.289 725.83 997.07 4.25 234.65 0.727
725.83 is real power in watts
997.07 is apparent power in watts
4.25 is the current being consumed in amps
234.65 is the RMS voltage
0.727 is the power factor.
so, I should be able to compare real power with what the meter is reporting, and it should be similar.
With the other two sensors I should be able to track down where those 4 amps are being consumed.
I'm waiting on some M10 channel nuts and some M10 Allen head bolts, so if they don't come tomorrow or if its chucking down again, I'll get the python tools installed and get it sending data into influxdb. I want to get some data in there before I turn on the solar.
Would need something big with windings in it - like a lathe....