It's great if you've got more money than sense .Someone suggested I "feed" my beans. Reluctant to use a fertiliser what with any run off etc. Is Miracle Gro Organic any good?
Alpaca poo and water about 10% poo mix into a soup, and dilute furter. No waiting time, straight on the plants. Very high in nitrogenIt's great if you've got more money than sense .
Buy a cheap 2 gallon bucket, (less than 30/- at Screwfix), and fill it full of young nettle tops. Cover them with water then weight them down with such as a dinner plate with a housebrick on top so they're completely submerged. Wait 2 or 3 weeks, (you'll know it's ready by the rancid stench of decomposing vegetation ), then add the resultant brew to water. It's very strong so something in the region of 1 part brew to 10 parts water.
No wasted packaging going to landfill, no debatable chemicals ultimately making their way into the food chain, the waste nettles can be safely composted, and apart from the price of the bucket all it costs is a bit of time and energy so everyone's a winner .
Alpaca poo and water about 10% poo mix into a soup, and dilute furter. No waiting time, straight on the plants. Very high in nitrogen
Yea but not quite as good!Will a llama do as they're ten a penny round here?
Needs a slug version of the wasp zapper!The copper band around each pot has done FA
Needs a slug version of the wasp zapper!
And better fun if you light it firstI discovered yesterday that a quick squirt of WD-40 kills wasps instantly, who knew?
I discovered yesterday that a quick squirt of WD-40 kills wasps instantly, who knew?
Based on number plate splats, not the most controlled study. Perhaps since 2004 people drive slower or differently. Car shapes have changed and so will the air flow. Theres no shortage of the biters down here.Don't kill wasps or flies:
Experts warn not to kill wasps or flies when they fly in your house this summer
The number of flying insects has fallen by 60 per cent in the UK in just under 20
The cause might be simply more doggers bagging their poop and hanging it on a bush, rather thsn leaving it out to rot in the sun with the flies?Conservation charities Buglife and the Kent Wildlife Trust tasked members of the public to take note of the number of insects splattered against their registration place.
When compared with a similar study carried out in 2004, insect counts were down by 65 per cent in England and a 28 per cent fall in Scotland.
The cause might be simply more doggers bagging their poop
Based on number plate splats, not the most controlled study. Perhaps since 2004 people drive slower or differently. Car shapes have changed and so will the air flow. Theres no shortage of the biters down here.
Driving will kill far more than the couple that get into a house anyway.