i watered mine at dusk when it was sunny weather it grew like crazy that way and when it was long enough i did a cut and left the grass cuttings on the grassMy new lawn from seed is growing. It mIght only be measured in millimetres but it’s growing!
for what it costs in ibc tanks and a bit of roof id have built its own collection system up thereDo you think I would be sodding around with pumps if I had a roof to collect water from on higher ground?
I wouldn't bother even trying, I'm pretty sure farmers don't steralise their fields before planting and they seem to be pretty successful.I can sieve this but is there some way of "sterilising" it?
Ash?I took a baby sapling,
my mums 88, she has been cutting down on what she grows as well.... greenhouse and a small plot for onions