Mrs and youngest (21) hauled all of it out of loft few weeks back, they have nearly done the lot, police station, boat, copter to do.
God know what all this cost but its been over many many years and good fun.
Lego was a customer of mine in a previous life. I went out to their head offices in Billund Denmark maybe 20 or 30 times, and always used to enjoy the trips.
I would stay for free at the Legoland Hotel, where lego is in all the rooms, the dining room and the bar. The offices were extremely high Scandic tech - everyone had an electric standup/sit down desk.
Everyone was extremely smart and they were a joy to work with. One standout moment was when we needed a UNIX server restarted... me and the project manager, Leif, went down to see the server team...
They were all sat round a table building a huge millenium falcon out of Lego. Leif said "we'll come back later".
"But", I said, "I can't go forward until we get the server restarted - can't we just ask one of them to do it?"
He replied "There is a golden rule within Lego: If anyone is building Lego, they must not be interrupted"
Also... whenever we finished up I'd be taken to the staff shop and be told to help myself. For frees....