these ones look ok for the price|65:15|39:1|240:1318 -whatdya think?
ps, cant see any with the foam on it
ps, cant see any with the foam on it
A bit drastic?
ps. the most dangerous procedure by far as far as you eyes is concerned is drilling,n accounts for 40% of injuries
really?, i thought it would be grinding
by far as far as you eyes is concerned is drilling,n accounts for 40% of injuries
have worked with too many people who think they are too cool for specs and ended up at the eye hospital.
grinding sucks eh?, i was grinding 20 years worth of paint on a friends truck chassis to get back to some bare metal for a decent paint job (found some tinfoil underneath ) it was about 4 hours worth and when my safety glasses got all scratched and covered with rust to the point that i couldent see i took them off for 2 mins,then comes the splinter, typical
Sorry to go all 'elf 'n safety on you but........
Glasses - even wrap-around, with side plates or whatever - are NOT appropriate PPE for cutting/grinding under any circumstances. Goggles or full face shield (with safety glasses under are the minimum.
Glasses are merely for general walk about, spannering, lathe-work etc.
I prefer full face shield - and when it steams up it's time for a little rest.
The number of my fitters with 'must have got dust in my eye boss' was legion! And I know they were just 'having a little tickle with the grinder boss', because I pulled one up at nearly every saftey walkabout I ever made.
Please don't take shortcuts with your eyes.
by no means do i think im "too cool for specs" but i absolutly hate glasses of any sort, i wore glasses for about 4 years, now have contacts and despise the thought of glasses or anything similar, wear safety glasses as a matter of course when grinding but would never even think of wearing them when drilling (except when drilling masonary on site, the one time i dont have safety glasses near me)
Sorry to go all 'elf 'n safety on you but........
Glasses - even wrap-around, with side plates or whatever - are NOT appropriate PPE for cutting/grinding under any circumstances. Goggles or full face shield (with safety glasses under are the minimum.
Glasses are merely for general walk about, spannering, lathe-work etc.
I prefer full face shield - and when it steams up it's time for a little rest.
The number of my fitters with 'must have got dust in my eye boss' was legion! And I know they were just 'having a little tickle with the grinder boss', because I pulled one up at nearly every saftey walkabout I ever made.
Please don't take shortcuts with your eyes.
Of course dont forget that due to sound and vibration regulations you shouldnt be using a 9" for half a day anyway
....all well and dandy but if your wearing a bucket for an hour and nicking back with the grinder on a land or root gap, a pair of glasses is far better than knowt, these can be quite happly worn in a bucket.......its all about usein the common, 9" grinder V preping 2" plate for half a day, full lid, a quick brush on a root, then glasses are dandy.......
....all well and dandy but if your wearing a bucket for an hour and nicking back with the grinder on a land or root gap, a pair of glasses is far better than knowt, these can be quite happly worn in a bucket.......its all about usein the common, 9" grinder V preping 2" plate for half a day, full lid, a quick brush on a root, then glasses are dandy.......
I wear glasses all the time, so have prescription safeties for the workshop. If I am cutting or grinding, I add a full-face shield.
Even with the prescription safeties on, I caught a steel splinter in the eye just by walking through the fab shop at work. That resulted in 2 days off work and a very pretty doctor digging at my eye with a needle - very uncomfortable and I don't want to do it again, no matter how pretty she was!
Always, and with no exceptions, wear eye protection.
(The time saved by not looking for eye protection is soon lost sitting in A&E while they dig bits out of your eye, or fit you with a false eye).
Use an additional full face visor when cutting, grinding, wire brushing etc.
When eye protection is scratched or damaged, REPLACE IT. (cheaper than eyes)