I've burnt boxes of them in my time... I much prefer the bohler/phoenix/utp union 6013 and that's all I buy nowadays. I would still much rather run a comet j50n mind.
Just an update on how I found the 7018's. My Lincoln V205 was out on a job so I used the cheap set I bought many years ago which worked brilliantly. Admittedly I tried to arc up straight from the box and try didn't run so well so I out them in the stick Ivan which helped a lot.
I'm building up teeth on a set of munching jaws and the material I around 1.5" thick so I've been using pre heat on it too.
I found the rods run nice and smooth but don't look as neat as a 6013, that being said I'll be going over the welds with hard facing rods so that doesn't bother me. Thanks for your advice guys