Hi everyone! My first foray into welding...
After lots of reading and watching YouTube videos, finding this thread, thinking about this machine, being swayed to another machine... then being recommended this machine by @daedalusminos and @Ruffian and swaying back to it again, I decided to go for it! Sherman 206P ordered last night from weldes along with some other bits and bobs from various places.
I've also ordered:
For the torch I was thinking of something like https://www.r-techwelding.co.uk/tig-torch-35-50-adaptor-3-8bsp-quick-release/ and then using a M10 to quick fit adaptor on the machine, but I can't seem to find any M10 to quick fit adaptors and I'm not sure what the dimensions of that quick fit plug are. Can anyone please recommend a tried and tested method here? Loving the look of @Altintas 's modded machine in the post above this one and the connector used, but I'd prefer not to mod my machine while it's in warranty with weldes. In a couple of years that looks like the neatest way to do it for sure!
- Sealey TIG200HFACDCF pedal + reverse XS12-5 connector from weldes to put on it (handy that they are reading this thread and started stocking commonly needed items, saves us waiting for China post!)
- 10x 2.4 mm Tungstens (dare I mention the colour for fear of starting a fight?!)
- CK Worldwide CK17 Flex head torch
- Grounded Schuko to UK 3-pin plug adaptor (temporary -- I won't be pushing that many amps for now)
Other than that I just need a regulator and flow meter right?
For ease I got the press fit rectus 21 for the back of the machine. And made a joiner for the front out of the m10 connector off the torch then press fit the rectus 21 into the torch.
If that makes sence.
So make it as a fly lead.
Like this
That way dont have to modify the machine and can alter it externally.