Yes It looks like a battery charger combo with the charging volts selector, it looks like a 'buzzbox' (AC current) Does it like sticking the rod to the work when striking up?, thats a more apparent problem with AC welding...You get used to it
I'm not too sure on the switch top left corner, the one with the battery icon with with a lighting bolt in it... Possibly a quick boost/jump start for a car?
Wouldn't want to try it though
Switch it to the battery icon, set it to 12 and stick a tester on the leads and you should get about 14v DC out of it if it is a charger as well. AC would not charge batteries. The top switch looks like weld to the left, off in the centre and charge on the right. The small connectors under the adjuster knob will be for battery leads.
Switch it to the battery icon, set it to 12 and stick a tester on the leads and you should get about 14v DC out of it if it is a charger as well. AC would not charge batteries. The top switch looks like weld to the left, off in the centre and charge on the right. The small connectors under the adjuster knob will be for battery leads.
yeah it sticks a lot, struggling to get a weld together with it it just seems to build up the metal but not join it, if that makes sense
The 4332 electrodes will be stainless, 7016 is a basic low hydrogen electrode for steel, its possible that none of them will run on that welder, the open circuit voltage (OCV) will only be around 50 volts, many special electrodes require 80 volts to strike and maintain an arc, I would buy some 2.5mm E6013's they should run quite nicely on that machine.
These will do you
also is this welder any good or is it a cheapo thhing