after having to cut the front legs down a touch so the cage would drop down low enough to weld the top of the roof bars i had to make some small boxes to take up the gap...
25mm tall... 3mm thick mild steel... decided a square box would be boring as **** so put a 30degree slope on 1 edge...
hardly taxing in the world of fabrication but its another bit done...
now bear with me.. the next bits arent exactly welding but they lead onto some....
first take 2 plain undrilled eccentric compbrake top mounts:
remove the bearings...
then machine them down to 115mm diameter....
stick them on the mill and put some flat edges on them...
the new turret top has been drawn up on cad and i`ve also drawn up a jig to lay over the blanks to drill the centres for the 4 M8 fixings... emailing laser cutters monday!!
Im loving this thread, had been watching as a guest, Wish I had a garage and tools to work with. Begining to get my own tools now, just finding it hard working outside on axel stands, Well in buddy!
how do position 2 threaded bosses in exactly the same place as the originals when you have to cut the std brk off the bulkhead???????
answer: make a jig!!!!!
all this gets bolted onto the std points and clamped onto the dash bar of the cage... then the bolts are taken out... the pressed bkt cut off the bulkhead.. new pieces made and the original position can be guaranteed to be the same place...
once done.. remove jig and throw it in the bin... a lot of assing about but gotta be done...
ps yes i know the ally angle needs hacking down.. i kind of over estimated the length.. also just to make matters that bit more of an ass the dash bar is 1 1/2inch diameter... the only clamps we had were 2inch.... not to be outdone a bit of lateral thinking and 2 pieces of 2inch o/d 1/4inch thick bits of ally tube were cut off and slit in half to fill the gap!!
well i wont lie.... ive been feeling a bit ropey today.. a combination of westons cider... some red wine that my mate danny found in his cupboard and also a dabble in the world of "real ale" last night has took its toll....
now before i carry on with progress i`ll freely admit i dont think me or dan-the-man will be applying to CAMRA anytime soon.. i`m sure the pro`s would select there ber on hops/brewery/brewing methods etc etc.. me??? erm.. i kind of went for the funnyest name option.. so dan was on the "hobgoblin" and myself was supping "fiddlers elbow"...
anyhow i`m rambling... PROGRESS!!!
started dismantling the willans shoulder straps and re-wraped the around the harness bars, threaded the crutch straps in and sat the seat in position..
at this point i got niggly... i wasn`t inline with the steering wheel!! now i never was before the rebuild so why this bothered me so much i dont know.. but it did.. the problem seemed to be the ******* tunnel bulge thats here for standard seats pushing everything towards the sill
but viewed from underneath the floorpan stays fairly constant:
so there seemed only 1 logical solution.... so... erm.. remember the lovely seat bars i`d fitted??????
i wont lie.. it was a tough decision but i knew leaving that tunnel bulge in place would bug the **** outta me everytime i drove the car so it had to be done!!
i then chopped these bits out:
and the resulting tunnel means i can get the seats and steering wheel inline and it will also look a bit tidier.. and a bit lighter...
and this folks is where i left things..
fingers crossed by next sunday it`ll have seat bars back in....
haha i honestly dont know mate.. between juggling a mortgage/work/keeping the bird happy/living i dont get long spells of time on it.. plus i keep coming up with daft ideas that i see on other cars..
as long as it takes is as good as i can give ya....
the dotted outline will (hopefully) be the new panel and i`ll also make a piece that sits underneath the tunnel to make sure the handbrake doesn`t rip through the single skin floorpan..
i wont bore you... made a pattern.. drew round it.. cut out steel.. bendy bendy.. weldy weldy.. 3mm plates.. weldy weldy..
1 wrapped tunnel with seat rail plates...
also with major luck (about ****ng time i had some) i had enough tube for 4 longer seat rails..
didn`t weld them in though as i left my digilevel at work... i also have some more side mount brackety bits from the laser cutters as 1 or 2 got damaged in my rage removing the old ones...
at a guess i`d say theres a good 40mm more room either side now to pull the seats towards the centre.. in my eyes.. thats a REEEEeeeeeeesult...
the laser cut bits turned up today so with a bit of drilling and tapping i give you....
camber adjustable topmounts a-la stu!!!
now some techy types out there may now be thinking..
thats all very well you speccy nob but how do you intend to cut a hole in both sides wih a holesaw when theres already a ruddy gurt hole in the std turret top... AND how do you plan on positioning it so its the same both sides and 15mm further back to get 5deg castor????????????
well i`ve thought about it!!
these odd shaped bits bolt up to the std top mount holes underneth the turret (where std topmounts live) and the hole in the middle is bang on where i need the centre of my new top mounts to go..
then i had to bite the bullet and do my topmounts...
i wont lie.. i`d been avoiding this 1 as cutting farckun gurt holes in the shell scares me.. never the less....
at this point i s**t my pants and went to see "evo stu" had a natter... loked at a couple of HIDEOUSLY powerful evo lumps.. then he started saying i should VTEC it... at that point i decided rather than argue (he`s a big lad!) i should leave....
now the holes are in the turrets i had to machine a lip all the way around the edge of the steel plates so the top sat flush with what was left of the turret...
i`d already thought about this and made a jig to go in the lathe that i bolted the bits to...
things were going well.. i even started to relax at this point!!...
did`nt do much tuesday... not really in "the mood"
got all this cut out..
started making new brackets but.. i didn`t really have the right steel to hand and i didn`t have a 1 1/2inch holesaw to make the sides f the brackets where they sit against the dash bar so made some patterns and will make them up at work during the week...
during tea break at work today i got these tacked up:
ve also dropped the height of the colomn 10mm (if it needs any more i`ll have to make spacers but its a hell of a lot easier to drop it than raise it once these are fully welded!!
started cutting a std dash down to fit in...
gut all this oooot:
and eventually with enough trimming it fits around the cage:
i think the centre piece that drops down still needs slimming down a little but thats the basics...
the large opening in the centre (where vents/stereo/heater controls/switches used to be) will be 1 large ally panel curved to match the dash which will be where all the switches will reside.. (possibly anodised black..)
the lower hole (where the drop down ash tray used to live) will have another ally panel to which a fusebox and relay box will be mounted..
Lucky man - you have a nice flat(ish) area to put your new ali panel. i have a series of small strange shapes in mine!
A hint for you to consider later on - on the bulkhead where it goes forward fairly horizontal (as you see in the pic above) this is a great place to mount the bulkhead fittings for the fuel and brake lines. You can get them just right so they go straight down to the tunnel where you can mount the 'P' clips to hold them in place.
If you go to the 106rallyeregister forum ( you will find hank-marvinson's (he's a member on here) 106 and what he's done with the fuel tank is worth looking at