Just for giggles I’ve been running beads on dirty old Ali - all of it is better than what you’re getting, so don’t waste too much time scrubbing things - your problem lies elsewhere, the right ac balance will take care of a lot of stuff.
Contamination is your issue, but from where? Have you been dipping the tungsten into the pool?
Try running a pool along without filler, yes it will sink, and possibly crack, but it should be clean. A bigger cup is better on the flat, you can rum more stick out, easier to see and more coverage. If the pool is dirty without filler and your not dipping, you have a gas problem. Is it defo pure Ar?
Contamination is your issue, but from where? Have you been dipping the tungsten into the pool?
Try running a pool along without filler, yes it will sink, and possibly crack, but it should be clean. A bigger cup is better on the flat, you can rum more stick out, easier to see and more coverage. If the pool is dirty without filler and your not dipping, you have a gas problem. Is it defo pure Ar?