The results above were achieved in less than an hours arc time fitted in with a sale. I set up the unit had a quick blast myself then passed over the steering wheel. Very little advice or In depth time was given at all. So based on that I think ukR got off to a great start. Should our paths cross for a full on session in the future I'd imagine he'd cover most of my off cuts in lovely stacks of Alu dimes.
Id like to get a torch switch, when I welded up a desk I needed to weld close to the floor and it was a pain with the pedal, I ended up using my knee! to floor the pedal. Anyone know where I can get the connector that connects to the machine? Or is it proprietary? Ive seen a lot of switches on the bay just need the connector.
What torch do you have because they are all different diameters and the switch needs to clip on the body. Rtech will sell you a connector and tell you which 2 pins to use