I bought a cheap carbide tipped T slot cutter from AliExpress to do my tool holders ( hardened). Very impressed with it, a lot better results than with a dremmel.Enlarged the slot to allow 20-21mm square tools or stock for milling. Fakita grinder worked well. Did drain both Fakita 4Ah batteries, about what I'd expect for that.
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Its not quite evenly full depth so I will do a few passes with a milling cutter to finish it.
I could use a faster cutting 6mm grinding wheel, they just seem very slow work!
3layers of 9mm ply. Embedded some studded plates between two of the layers for the alu legs. There's a metal frame on the underside that follows the contours, just to stiffen.Is that something embedded in resin, or how's it done?
Looks mint, however you did it.
Today I made a 2 inch cube out of 10mm flat bar.
View attachment 484360
Well it's almost a cube, it's to split the top ball joints on an Alfa 159.
View attachment 484361
View attachment 484364
I started off with a tig root and finished with 2.5mm 7018 stick, because why not.
View attachment 484369
The uprights are alloy with a steel insert, so my normal method of hitting to them with a big hammer doesn't work well.
With a 16mm nut welded to the underside it did the job with ease.
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The top arms on these seem to be made of chocolate, the last ones haven't done 10,000 miles and they failed the mot. There wasn't a clunky but there was a tiny bit of lift.
I decided to make a few tools to speed up replacing them.
Your supposed to remove the strut, but if the mounting bolts can pass between the coils of the spring it can be left in place.
I've harder springs and the bolts have a big head so there is no chance of passing through, so another tool had to be made up for spreading the spring.
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This also worked and let me get the wishbone out.
View attachment 484368
It took far longer to make the tools than it would have taken to remove the struts, but it was good welding practice and if I keep the car it will be used again (and again)
All in all a fun little project.