Are you using any paint you want or do you try and match to original.
Hi Matt I noticed you saw the vice in an 1891 cataloque , I wonder how much it would cost today to build ?
Just need new screws for the jaw inserts and then she'll be done.
Starting to get the temptation for cleaning up my record and possibly pick up another bargain at the next car boot sale.
Nice work you keep doing, how many have you in your collection.
I accept all blame , just think of all the pleasure it has given you and everyone following the threadFretters, yup. I use MattF for English forums, but use my surname derived username on the Yank sites nowadays as a lot of the time MattF stands a chance of being taken. It also became a pain in the jacksy trying to remember what suffix I had to use on different sites due to the username already being taken. When you keep having to enter your e-mail to get a reminder of what username you had to pick, you know it's time to pick something fairly unique and consistent. Btw, I blame you for this recent vice fetish. If you hadn't posted a photo of your vice and I hadn't gone and seen that vice thread on GJ, I'd be almost vice sane now.