Elaborate on "green". The ones I use are a turquoise light blue/green. These are hfms tungstens used for both AC and DC they are a great all round flavour and I highly recommend. But the other green which actually is just green is pure tungsten. This was the go to AC tungsten a while back on soft sinuous wave based transformers. It's a good flavour but without any additional agents in the mix it's by far the softest tungsten and balls up very quickly. I've tried them on square wave inverters and they are even worse. As the harsh movement of the wave dose give them a battering. If your using a pure tungsten then there are better flavours for your inverter. Lathanated are great on both AC/DC. (Gold/Blue).Bought some Ultimate Golds! thanks for the advice guys. Cant even feel the filler rod with these mig gloves!
Currently using Green Tungsten - any advice on what colour to go with? or is Green the way forward?
Ive done bead after bead on flat sheet. Im confident i can lay a bead on a sheet with ease, hense why i started to do fillet welds. as my end goal is to build tanks and piping for my time attack car.