Wrenches came today, not a bad $3.01 spent! The 14" is Record, the 18" is Ahrems. Quick oil had the working smoothly, I later drilled a hole in the Record handle and hung it up.
It's amazing how cheap stilson wrenches have become! They keep cropping up at my local auction & never make more than £3 or £4 each, even record ones, many with unmarked jaws! I saw the time when well abused ones were making £10! Maybe they've gone out of fashion but in my experience a stilson & a good adjustable are essential items in any toolbox, especially on a tractor.
Naturally enough I've now got quite a collection of them, I just can't resist a bargain. I must gather them up & take a photo.
BTW, none of mine are bored but they will be soon as I've plans to hang them up & free up space in my tool chest.