Just a small thing, but has made a huge difference. Got this delivered on Friday:
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I've spent a lot of time over the last few weeks (or possibly even months) swearing as a result of the antediluvian scale on my tape measures being on the side I wanted to use, so I finally did something about it and bought one with millimetres on all four edges. Been a much happier bunny all all weekend! I should have bought one of these years ago.
Perfect for sorting out the drainage in the lower fieldA great accessory for a small grinder. I also found mine the perfect tool for making french drains out of plastic pipe to place behind my retaining walls, as I couldn't find anything readily available.
.View attachment 203358 View attachment 203359
A great accessory for a small grinder. I also found mine the perfect tool for making french drains out of plastic pipe to place behind my retaining walls, as I couldn't find anything readily available.
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A still from the 'Fast Show' I believe.
I just bought land drainage pipe for behind my retaining wall.
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Small haul today.
Hole punch, close enough to the right size I needed.
A hand vice, in need of TLC.
A cute small oil can.
Charity shop wanted £! each. I left a £5.
A set of torx keys
I wouldn't normally buy cheap tools but couldn't pass these by, they might turn out to made from cheese, but at £2.99 in Aldi worth the risk.
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Perfect for sorting out the drainage in the lower field
A 2mtr length of 100x50 galvanised RHS that literally fell off a lorry and 6 plywood crate tops from slate crates that were dumped at the back of my cab this morning.
The plywood will be turned in to warmth and an orange glow in due course