It's got two terminals 85v and 55v from memory so I guess try the 85v?Your buzz box might not run 7018's. They need a higher ocv to get the arc started.
An oil cooled or a decent inverter is normally needed.
For the amateur learning 6013 vertical is difficult. It is a very different thing from welding on the flat and takes a lot of practice to master.Madness here people recommending 7018 for that kind of welding people that haven’t got a clue to much information on the internet. Clean up the steel Get it fitting properly that’s half the battle, a box of dry 2.5s e6013 and practice practice practice practice. Switching rods isn’t practicing, it takes years to get complacent, and putting another variable into the equation doesn’t help, once you master 6013 7018 are a walk in the park
It was clean but trailer is outside so it's surfaced rust since I did the weld a 3-4 days agoClean your metal before you weld and keep a short arc length. When your welding different thicknesses face the rod slightly towards thicker material.
Yes, 85v.It's got two terminals 85v and 55v from memory so I guess try the 85v?
Interesting. I was seeing the issue of not wetting into the side but the pools was dropping hence why I moved on. I felt like I couldn't get a fuse on the side without it droppingYou not seeing what you need to see.
I see:
1. not waiting long enough on each side to wet in.
2. Spending too much time in the middle
3. not weaving wide enough on pix #1
4. weaving too wide on pix #2
This is just me, I'm sure others will be able to help more.
All fine & good, But the OP is not welding hi pressure gas pipelines.Madness here people recommending 7018 for that kind of welding people that haven’t got a clue to much information on the internet. Clean up the steel Get it fitting properly that’s half the battle, a box of dry 2.5s e6013 and practice practice practice practice. Switching rods isn’t practicing, it takes years to get complacent, and putting another variable into the equation doesn’t help, once you master 6013 7018 are a walk in the park
Dropping the amps will help with that.Interesting. I was seeing the issue of not wetting into the side but the pools was dropping hence why I moved on. I felt like I couldn't get a fuse on the side without it dropping
That’s why he doesn’t need lo hi. Fitting and cleaning is a big help, 6013 general purpose rods, trying to run 7018 on a buzz box is bad advice, and I’m sure his supply isn’t the best for themAll fine & good, But the OP is not welding hi pressure gas pipelines.
I use roughly 50-60°What sort of angles are you pointing up?
So far a few of us have tried to help the OP.That’s why he doesn’t need lo hi. Fitting and cleaning is a big help, 6013 general purpose rods, trying to run 7018 on a buzz box is bad advice, and I’m sure his supply isn’t the best for them
So far a few of us have tried to help the OP.That’s why he doesn’t need lo hi. Fitting and cleaning is a big help, 6013 general purpose rods, trying to run 7018 on a buzz box is bad advice, and I’m sure his supply isn’t the best for them
90 degrees to the workpiece is the correct angle for vertical welding , having your rod pointing up at 45 degrees creates a ropey weld and tends to cause inclusions,
Ok, what kind of welder has he got. Ditch the 3.2s. Get the 2.5s, if it’s a buzz box get the welder weld a t piece fillet on the bench keep adjusting the machine till it’s welding right and well and hot. And mark amp indicator on the machine. Now you have a start point. That’s 95 amps, that could be up on 120 on your machine depending on type and supply but that’s 95 true amps. Take it back to 80 to 85 amps from your mark, start at the top of the joint strike it like a match, come down the joint with a long long arc as long as you can hold with out loosing it and tighten your arc where you want to start, tight arc, 90 degrees to the workpiece. You can do your first run with Xmas tree Method, pausing and your edges not the centre of the joint. When your pausing at the edge the rod fills the centre of the joint. You’re aiming to carry less metal with you than on a flat run for obvious reasons. Total width of that first run is probably 5mm so you’re only weaving 2.5mm.So far a few of us have tried to help the OP.
How about you try to actually help the OP with some practical advice eh ?