GMAW has its place in a manufacturing environment or for less critical structural fabrication environment so tends to never be seen in the oil and gas sector, yes it’s used in the pipeline industry but this is only possible with narrow gap automatic welding with j-prep bevel configuration and produces excellent results which are only possible due to bevel dimensions/configuration within close tolerances and Welding parameters that take 100’s of hours to develop!Just as another reference point, I believe EEMUA158 places GMAW among those processes which are prohibited by default unless specific steps are taken to substantiate and qualify its use. By contrast, MMA is an accepted process by default. I’m aware of at least one North Sea operator whose standards exclude the use of GMAW.
In fairness, a discussion of penetration is incomplete in the absence of consideration of joint design and fit up.
Some young Welding Engineer had the idea of using manual PGMAW (downhill) for doing 6G tie-ins on a reel lay barge I worked on, We only used it for one job and went back to GSFCAW as it was quicker and more offshore friendly!
Bring back the good old days when You went to the stores for a few boxes of 1/4” iron powder rods for a bit of 2F!