Whether they will.... remains to be seen. I suspect if they do, it'll be due to lobbying pressure from the Car Giants looking to hamstring a rival (as long as they haven't been telling whoppers with their EV's that is).See my post above re wltp - that’s exactly what ev manufacturers do. In fact they use the same test that I’ve cars do as far as I know.
I don’t believe it’s right that they have manipulated data, but I’m also not pretending it doesn’t happen with other car manufacturers. The outrage seems to be purely because it’s an ev manufacturer, which is fine it just seems a bit odd to me. Every time I read one of your posts the Monty python “burn the witch” sketch comes to mind….
If they’ve been found out they will be held to account, same as others have. I mean the Tesla mileage story has, as far as I know, only come out in the last few days, are you suggesting they should have been held to task before people knew about it?![]()
My biggest beef with EV's is the issues they share with new EV's (electronics & control of the wrong kind, by the wrong people), the safety aspect (which I think might well be much reduced if they focused less on silly performance & willy-waving) - and the simple fact that they are way WAY too expensive (at least partly because of the silly "arms race" on performance versus an ICE (which they haven’t a hope of winning - esp. when doing so on price-point).
IMO, if EV's are going to gain acceptance with the mainstream - they need to start making affordable, sensible small vehicles that suit the technology & suit the commuter, city parking etc. Think more Smart Car EV, not the BMW 5-Series EV.