I suggest you wear a full face helmet. I've had stem's breaking on me where there seemed to be nothing wrong. These weren't cheap stems either. Fibreglass is not that strong. About a third of your bodyweight is transfered on to the handlebars and this increases as you get out the saddle and twist the bars. Also as you go over even the smallest of bumps the weight is increased massively for a split second.
I know it's good to have faith in your own work but there is a point where you have to step back and listen to others telling you not to do it. A face full of floor is not a happy or pretty exprerience, and can be severely worsened if you wear glasses.
I know it's good to have faith in your own work but there is a point where you have to step back and listen to others telling you not to do it. A face full of floor is not a happy or pretty exprerience, and can be severely worsened if you wear glasses.