The cylinder bore seemed good but then I noticed that it was cracked
so I ordered a new part. Came across one of those strange bits of pricing. A rebuild kit which by me reckoning contains a handful of o-rings and a filter is UKP128. The bit you see in the lower pictures is called a foot-brake 'portion' and is UKP 230 complete with all the internal bits and the entire valve which includes the angle bracket that you see in the first picture is UKP403
This may be a silly idea but could you not weld that crack up and then get a machine shop to dril the bore out and recondition the cylinder?
I have enjoyed reading this thread, thanks for posting and great job! I'd kill for a barn and a shed like that! Looks like hard work and a lot of fun
Just use the die grease they give. Without it the forming ends up really off centre. Also as you can see I had my little makita impact with a socket on which sped up the time it takes to put pipe in and outThat looks good Kim. I have a set on order and hope they turn out as good as that. Kunifer pipe also on order, it's good stuff; I used it on a kit car I built 25 years ago and it still looks exactly like the day I fitted it.
Dismantled the rear cross-member and gearbox mount. What an elaborate set-up! I wonder why.